As a small business owner, herbalist, & lover of this Earth I try my best to reduce waste when I can & encourage others to do the same. I use glass or plastic free alternatives for my products, but this got me thinking- How are my customers reusing these glass jars I am sending them once their product is no more?
Some say curiosity killed the cat, but I asked my customers in an Instagram story "What do you do with your Brujita Apothecary Scrub & Body Butter jars once they are empty?"
Let's say, satisfaction definitely brought this cat back!
Here are the Top 10 Ways to Reuse Your Jars:
10. Bringing your own salad dressing to restaurants (If you're vegan or just really love your own salad dressing when you go out to eat, definitely consider this one.)
9. Hummus for your lunchbox.- okay this is a great idea for all dipping on-the-go options. Hummus, Peanut Butter, Mustard so your sandwich doesn't get soggy by lunch time?!
8. Granola for your yogurt.- yes, obsessed with this one. Say bye to soggy granola & lonely yogurt.
7. Hair accessories.- I had not thought of this one but so many people are storing their bobby pins, clips, or hair ties in these little guys.
6. Earrings, rings, & loose earring back pieces.
5. Candles! Some of you keep little tealights in your jars & some have made candles for their friends.
4. Organizing craft or sewing supplies!- from buttons to thimbles to beads

Photo by @Positsiveilluminations
3. Seeds!! -from Chia & Flax seeds to organizing your garden seeds, I love this so much.

Photo By @BrujitaApothecary
2. HERBS!!!! I got lots of replies from you all using these for herb storage!
Photos by @makeupbyelenaa & @lobitadeluna
& the number one use for these 4 ounce, air tight glass jars is....

This photo came from an anonymous submission
Nope, not joking. I love you all.